mercoledì 10 dicembre 2008


I'll use this blog as a tool for my research,
as I would like it to work as a circus , of people faces places images witch I have in my memory .I hope that can be a method to have critics and help from you all.

So I guess everything until the end it will be very confuse, but maybe that's the best part because my goal is working with conscious and unconscious tolls.

So on one hand it's a very instinctive method on the other hand have to do with long studies and thoughts.

My topic will be aesthetic, even if maybe it's a bit unfashionable to talk about it.

Maybe because I'm Italian the history still has a big importance in me.
The history of the world as well of the history of my self, and even the history seen from my self.
The research I'll try to communicate will be infect very personal and subjective in the way one is choosing one thing instead of another, not because of egocentric delirious but following the consciousness of the impossibility of telling the truth, I just choose to tell my way of seeing.

The research will be divided in the following parts:

1.What is aesthetic:

aestetics have to do with perceptions
perception is something we don't see
caused also from things we see and we produce

So this research will play on one side with the things we can see and on the other side the things we cannot see
witch are always related with something we already saw or knew

the goal is than to try to produce an image of surprise and consciousness
of something witch can give the felling of something very familiar
witch also in the same time is unknown

at this point one have to make choices and as already said as creature placed in a history and having the responsibility of building a history
I'll will try to go trough the history before me and intepretate it, in order to automatically build my history

the question of "feeling" beauty, ugly, sublime, will always come again,
the goal is anyway not to define what is beautiful or perfect but more how to built an image (at the end related to architecture ) witch it will be somehow my way of seeing the world .

so I'll try to research the aesthetic of


2. As instrument of research and storing I'll try to compose a kind of archive, catalogue or libretto (Libretto (pl. libretti), from Italian, is the diminutive of the word "libro" (book). A libretto is distinct from a synopsis or scenario of the plot, in that the libretto contains all the words and stage directions, while a synopsis summarizes the plot.)

This instrument will be a collection of images, objects, people, architecture and architecture details witch have for me specifics meanings and will be the tool for the construction of the future image

3.because of the dualism of reality and imagination I want to work with, I have to define a kind of language; the process will almost work like a text using

and so on

4. When I’ll have these tolls I'll decide how to compose my image
the image and her aesthetics will than juxtaposed to the real beauty , the beauty of nature. Will be then inverted value of things, the nature is the artwork and the architecture will have to behave as natural element...